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Newsletter 32/2024
Newsletter FEMFAT
FEMFAT 2024.1; Trainings & Events; FEMFAT MELCOM; HARMONIC in FEMFAT inside Ansys; FAQs
Newsletter 31/2023
Newsletter FEMFAT
Highlights - ECS Simulation Conference 2023; New Features of FEMFAT 2023; Introducing an enhanced Neuber approach with new PLAST method; Fatigue…
Newsletter 30/2023
Newsletter FEMFAT
FEMFAT 2022; Fatigue Strength Assessment acc. to the FKM Guideline in FEMFAT – (1/3); Events & Trainings; FAQ
Newsletter 29/2020
Newsletter FEMFAT
Release News FEMFAT 5.4.1; Formula Student: The university motorsport racing series for engineers of the future; Application Example for the…
Newsletter 28/2019
Newsletter FEMFAT
Endurance Safety and associated Probability of Failure; FAQ 1, 2 & 3